Friday, May 31, 2024


Many items are controlled with the user's thoughts. Skill checks with such items call for the user's skill at neural interfacing. Practice and training help, but any character, even unskilled, can neurally interface with an item if they understand the concept of doing so.

Weapons - 1d100

01-15     Relic Blade, Small
16-30     Relic Blade
31-35     Relic Blade, Two-handed
36-45     Relic Spear
46-55     Relic Polearm
56-70     Relic Arrows, 1d10
71-80     Rod of Lightning
81-85     Rod of Dispelling
86-94     Divine Lance
95-96     Phantom Whip
97-98     Vorpal Knife
99          Vorpal Sword
00          Vorpal Longsword

Relic Weapon

Forged from aldsteel, the metal of the First Ones, this weapon is nigh-indestructible and holds an incredibly keen edge. It grants +1 to attack checks and damage rolls.

Rod of Lightning

A heavy three-foot rod usable as a blunt weapon. When an activation sigil on the grip is touched, lightning crackles along the striking end. It can harm enemies vulnerable to energy, and any living or mechanical foe struck has a 5-in-6 chance to be stunned and defenseless for 1 round.

Rod of Dispelling

A heavy three-foot rod usable as a blunt weapon. When it strikes a target, any spell affecting the target is broken on 1d6 over the spell's circle. Summoned creatures are banished on 1d6 over a roll of their strength die.

Divine Lance

Taking the form of a long tube with a grip with an activation sigil at one end, this ancient two-handed weapon launches a precise beam of destructive energy with the range of a war bow when the sigil is touched. These beams can easily pierce most known materials, ignoring nonmagical armor and shields. A Shield spell can block the beams as Focal Lances.

Phantom Whip

A slender hand-grip like that of a sword without a crossguard, ending in a dull jewel. When an activation sigil on the grip is touched, the jewel leaps from the end, trailing a length of wire so fine it cannot be seen, which can cut through nearly anything. The wire functions as a whip with a length of 30', with +1 to attack checks and damage rolls, and ignores nonmagical armor and shields. However, on a roll of 1 to attack, the wielder wound themselves with the weapon instead.

Vorpal Blade

This most powerful of relic blades has an activation sigil in the grip, which, when touched, wraps the blade in a shimmering halo of Dust that can cut through nearly anything. It grants +1 to attack checks and damage rolls and ignores nonmagical armor and shields.

Armor & Shields - 1d20

01-06     Relic Shield
07-11     Barrier Gauntlet
12-16     Relic Weave
17-19     Relic Mail
20          Noble Veil

Relic Shield

Reinforced with aldsteel, this shield is wondrously light and durable. It inflicts -2 on enemies' checks to attack.

Barrier Gauntlet

When the wearer of this glove or bracer spreads their fingers, it projects a shimmering barrier of force before them, as a Shield spell.

Relic Weave

Garments made from relic materials, this suit of light armor offers superior protection. It has an AC of 2.

Relic Mail

An incredibly precious suit of medium armor reinforced with aldsteel. It has an AC of 3.

Noble Veil

These suits of enchanted plate are prized as holy relics by the Veil Knights of Kyther, with precious few found outside their ranks. Composed of plates of ancient alloys joined by an underlayer of magical textile, they merge with their wearer's body like a second skin, impossibly light. They have AC 4, and the wearer does not suffer exhaustion from marching or feats of strength, though they must remove the suit to sleep.

Raiment - 1d12

01     Amulet of Concealment
02     Amulet of Regeneration
03     Amulet of Warding
04     Boots of Levitation
05     Boots of Speed
06     Circlet of Telepathy
07     Cloak of Distortion
08     Cloak of Invisibility
09     Girdle of Shielding
10     Lens of the Eagle
11     Lens of Piercing
12     Lens of the Sage

Only one of each type of raiment--amulets, boots, etc.--can be worn at a time. If more than one is somehow worn, their magical effects do not function.

Amulet of Concealment

This small, unassuming silvery amulet makes the wearer undetectable to scrying magic.

Amulet of Regeneration

This amulet, shaped like a murky red jewel embedded in a nest of thin metal wires or tubes, heals the wearer of 1 wound per turn.
Cursed: On 1-in-10, the amulet is cursed. The first time it would take effect, it instead afflicts the wearer with a deadly, progressive wasting illness, as a Cause Disease spell. After activating, it becomes inert.

Amulet of Warding

This amulet protects the wearer against magic, as a Ward spell.

Boots of Levitation

These bulky boots allow the wearer to move up and down through the air at will, as a Levitate spell.
Cursed: On 1-in-6, the boots are cursed. When activated, they have a 1-in-6 chance of causing the wearer to rocket 1d100 feet into the air at high speed before deactivating suddenly.

Boots of Speed

These elegant boots, which extend up the calves and lift the heels on curving, bladelike extensions, allow the wearer to run as fast as a horse (80' per round) and leap up to 10' high and 30' horizontally with a running start.

Circlet of Telepathy

This delicate band allows the wearer to "speak" mental messages into the mind of any creature they can see. The wearer must consciously subvocalize the messages, and the recipient must understand the wearer's language.
Cursed: On 1-in-10, the circlet is cursed. The wearer's every conscious thought is automatically brodacast to every living creature within visual distance. Attempting to remove the circlet causes the wearer incapacitating pain and has a 2-in-3 chance to result in a fatal brain hemorrhage.

Cloak of Distortion

This mantle of multicolored fabric, when wrapped about the wearer's shoulders and over their head, surrounds them in a near-blinding field of shimmering, blurring light that makes gauging their exact position difficult. Attacks against them take -1, but stealth of any kind is impossible.

Cloak of Invisibility

This cloak of matte black material, when worn about the shoulders and over the head, blends seamlessly into the surroundings, hiding the wearer from sight as an Invisibility spell.

Girdle of Shielding

This sturdy belt bears an activation sigil on the buckle. When touched, it projects a barrier of shimmering force that shields the wearer from missile attacks, as a Protection From Missiles spell.
Cursed: On 1-in-10, the girdle is cursed. The wearer is wrapped in a field of force that keeps out all solid objects, protecting them as normal, but also preventing them from eating or touching the belt to remove it.

Lens of the Eagle

This lens magnifies the wearer's vision as if looking through a powerful telescope, allowing them to pick out fine details as far away as the horizon.

Lens of Piercing

This lens allows the wearer to see through solid materials while focusing. Cloth, water, and wood become transparent to a distance of 60', stone to a distance of 30'. Lead and gold remain opaque. Vertebrate creatures can be seen as skeletons.

Lens of the Sage

This lens magically translates all script into the wearer's native language. If the wearer is illiterate, it is useless.
Cursed: On 1-in-10, the lens is cursed. The first time the wearer reads a translated text, they are attacked by a basilisk, losing all memory from a random 1d6 years of their life. The lens then becomes inert.

Devices - 1d10

01     Bag of Holding
02     Crown of Thorns
03     Fold Vault
04     Helpful Rope
05     Hunter-Killer
06     Oracle Mirror
07     Portable Portal
08     Scrying Mirror
09     Sending Stones
10     Windcutter

Bag of Holding

This small satchel contains a pocket of folded space, making it many times larger on the inside. It can hold up to 20 items without burdening the holder. Retrieving an item from the bag takes the same time as from a normal pack. Only items that can fit through the mouth of the bag--anything that could fit in a normal satchel--can be stored. Living creatures placed in the bag suffocate.
Cursed: On 1-in-10, the bag is cursed. Any object placed inside vanishes. Living creatures are only affected if their entire body is placed inside.

Crown of Thorns

This circlet of aldsteel, composed of dozens of sharp, faceted shards, is a potent weapon. When worn, it can be activated and controlled with mental focus, splitting apart into a swarm of floating metal shards, with two nodes remaining attached to the wearer's temples. The wearer can move the shards with their thoughts. They are incredibly sharp, capable of scouring and piercing foes, and can be wielded to attack with skill at neural interface operation. If using all their focus on the crown, the wielder has +1 to attack checks, as the shards are difficult to deflect; the wielder can also fight with the crown while acting normally at -2 to their attack checks with it.

Fold Vault

This item has two components: a large, sturdy chest of relic materials, capable of holding up to 20 items, and a small key bearing an activation sigil. When the activation sigil is touched, the chest vanishes into a pocket of folded space; when the sigil is touched again, it returns to the holder's side wherever they are, allowing access to the items within.
Cursed: On 1-in-6, the vault is cursed. Each time the chest is summoned from folded space, roll 1d3. 1 a random item is lost; 2 a random item is replaced with something else; 3 the chest brings a passenger with it.

Helpful Rope

This 50' rope seems to come alive when held, coiling and twisting slowly on its own. It can be mentally commanded to extend up to its full length and to attach itself to any surface or object. It can support up to 10,000 pounds.


An insectlike metallic construct, about 2" across. Its holder can establish a mental link with it through skin contact, whereupon their senses are transferred into the device, their own body falling comatose. They can then command the device with their mind. The device can see and hear as well as a human, can fly at up to 120' per round, and has two forms of attack: a bite that functions as a small weapon, and a single dose of deadly poison that will kill a human in 1 round on a successful attack. The device attacks with the user's skill at neural interfacing. It can function up to 1 mile from the user. It has enough power for 1 use.

Oracle Mirror

This magic mirror has the power of divination. Once per week, it can be asked any yes-or-no question. Roll 1d8: 1-5 accurate answer ("yes," "no," or "impossible to answer"); 6-7 no answer ("unknown"); 8 incorrect answer ("yes" or "no"). If asked to predict the future, the mirror will answer based on whether the event in question is more likely than not to happen. For example, if asked, "Will it rain this week?" the mirror will answer "yes" if rain is more than 50% likely in the coming week and "no" if it is less.
Cursed: On 1-in-6, the mirror is cursed. Reverse the odds of correct and incorrect answers (incorrect answers on 1-5, correct answers on 8).

Portable Portal

This circular patch of thin black cloth has the power to compress space. When placed on a flat surface, it disappears and creates a circular hole 5' in diameter and up to 5' deep. It can be used only once.
Cursed: On 1-in-10, the portal is cursed. When used, it appears to have worked, but anyone who enters the hole will find themselves in a near-infinite corridor of expanded space.

Scrying Mirror

This magic mirror allows its holder to view people and locations from far away. Once per day, the mirror can display a current view of any place it has been or person who has looked into it, with accompanying sound.
Cursed: On 1-in-10, the mirror is cursed. Anyone who uses it becomes visible to Gozio the Occluded, who will begin hunting them.

Sending Stones

These smooth, palm-sized stones are each part of a pair. When two living creatures touch the two stones at the same time, their consciousnesses are swapped between bodies until they both touch the stones again.
There is a 1-in-6 chance for only a single stone to be found, without its partner. If this stone is touched, there is a 50% chance at any given moment that a stranger is currently touching the other one.


A small, sleek vehicle shaped like a spearhead or a fish, with a seat like a saddle near the back. It can be controlled clumsily with a pair of hand levers and a set of pedals, or fully by mental interface. It can fly at a speed of up to 120' per round, or carry up to 1 additional passenger at 80' per round.

Scrolls - 1d10

01-04     1st Circle
05-07     2nd Circle
08-09     3rd Circle
10          4th Circle

Elixirs - 1d12

01     Cure Disease
02     Cure Light Wounds
03     Cure Serious Wounds
04     Diminution
05     Giant Strength
06     Growth
07     Haste
08     Invisibility
09     Longevity
10     Neutralize Poison
11     Resist Heat
12     Infravision

All elixirs found have a 1-in-10 chance of being poisonous, killing the drinker in 1 round on 5-in-6 and otherwise incapacitating them for 1d6 hours.


The drinker shrinks to 1/10 their normal size for 1d6+6 turns. Only their body is affected, not their equipment.

Giant Strength

For 1d6+6 turns, the drinker rolls d10s when performing strength-based checks.


The drinker grows to double their normal size for 1d6+6 turns. While enlarged, the roll d10s when performing strength-based checks. Only their body is affected, not their equipment.


The drinker immediately becomes 1d6+6 years physically younger.

Grimoires - 1d12

06     I WOULD WIN

Grimoires are among the most powerful relics of the First Ones, vessels for bound daemons who possess potent magic. Physically, they take the form of geometric prisms ranging in size from a pair of fists to a head, capable of hovering in the air. They can only be used to their fullest potential by tuners, who covet them above all other treasures.

Every grimoire is unique and sentient. Each has its own personality and desires, with an ego score from 1 to 20. While awake, a grimoire may attempt to dominate its user; to resist, the user makes a casting check against the grimoire's ego score. On a failure, the grimoire takes control of the user's body for as many turns as the user failed the check by. When a user does something to earn a grimoire's favor, usually by serving its desires, its ego score drops by 1 for that user. If the user displeases the grimoire, its ego score increases by 1, up to its original value.

Each grimoire has a set of spells it can cast a certain number of times per day. It can teach these spells to its master; when the master casts these spells while using the grimoire, they roll an extra die on their casting check. A tuner can wield as many grimoires at once as they dare, but casting a spell from a grimoire uses their action in combat as normal.


A brutal cubic hunk of dull grey. Its only communications are buzzing anxiety, cold, and gnawing hunger. The heat death approaches; to survive, take everything into yourself, relying on nothing outside.
Ego 15
Spark Flame 2/day, Resist Heat 1/day, Infravision 1/day, Cloudkill 1/day


A crystalline chrysanthemum of faint rainbow hues. Communicates in songs of mourning. It seeks to preserve life at all costs.
Ego 14
Cure Light Wounds 2/day, Neutralize Poison 1/day, Cure Disease 1/day, Cure Serious Wounds 1/day


A jagged shard, charred as if by some great blast. It delivers dreams of loss. It knows that all will be gone sooner than you think, and prizes the shedding of attachments.
Ego 7
Fog Cloud 1/day, Burning Hands 1/day, Fire Ball 1/day, Wall of Fire 1/day


A fractal of nested cubes, dull yellow. Its voice is clear and melodious. It prizes courtesy and control equally; one must never let others know they are being ruled.
Ego 16
Ventriloquism 2/day, Song of Sleep 1/day, Charm Person 1/day, Charm Monster 1/day


A vaguely hourglass-shaped knot of interlinked silver strands; it seems to dance. It speaks energetically and often. It wants to prove that it is not real.
Ego 6
Mage Hand 2/day, Levitate 1/day, Dispel Magic 1/day


A sphere of vivid electric blue. It does not speak, but imparts bone-deep instinct. It wishes to be the last of its kind, and desires the end of all other daemons.
Ego 20
Focal Lance 4/day, Shield 4/day, Hold Person 2/day, Protection From Missiles 1/day, Dimension Door 1/day, Hold Monster 1/day, Urizen's Unshakeable Fortress 1/day


A diamond prism of glittering lapis. It paints visions in the mind of heart-aching beauty. It believes all minds must be absolutely free from all bonds and restraints.
Ego 13
Minor Ward 2/day, Knock 2/day, Dispel Magic 2/day, Fly 1/day, Confusion 1/day


Pale marble in which the suggestion of a face can be seen. It shivers in the mind with delight at every new word, pronouncing them back with relish. It wants a body, and will enlist its wielder in helping it create one.
Ego 9
Cure Light Wounds 2/day, Locate Object 1/day, Haste 1/day, Cure Serious Wounds 1/day


A magenta roundness, soft-looking, almost alive. It radiates a sense of deep longing. It wants only to love and be loved.
Ego 4
Cure Light Wounds 1/day, Command 1/day, Web 1/day, Hold Person 1/day


Bloodred spearheads interlocked around an unseen center. Its voice is wet silk. It seeks to perfect the art of cutting, longing to understand what can be separated and how.
Ego 12
Minor Ward 2/day, Mirror Image 1/day, Dispel Magic 1/day, Vorpal Blade 1/day


Perfectly regular pyramids, constantly shuffling. Communicates in strings of positives and negatives. It wishes to know, record, catalogue and index and cross-reference.
Ego 10
Locate Object 3/day, Infravision 1/day, Wizard Eye 1/day


Delicate transparent planes, hard to look at for long. Its voice is never the same twice. It is fascinated by humans' ability to lie, and wants to know the limits of this power.
Ego 11
Ventriloquism 2/day, Invisibility 1/day, Mirror Image 1/day

These are but a few. There are more to be had.

Trade Goods and Artifacts

Trade Goods If a treasure hoard includes trade goods, 1d6 types of goods are present. Roll 1d100 for each type. Value...