Thursday, December 19, 2024

Some Gods

These are but a few of the innumerable gods worshiped in the Tower Lands--some of the most important, invoked by various names throughout the realm by common folk and high lords alike.


The sun, one of the higher beings. One of the most important gods, worshiped throughout the realm. Involved in harvest rites, husband to Rohesia.


The bright moon, known more commonly as Cradle in this age--the relation between the two names is unclear. A maiden sacrificed to Leviathan who Toth pitied and placed in the heavens to spare her. Leviathan reaches for her still, causing the tides.

Mal Maial

God of night, stars, and sleep, one of the higher beings. Husband of Caina, who married her to keep her safe from Leviathan and give her comfort in her grief. His embrace causes her phases.


Goddess of rain, fertility, and plants, one of the higher beings, wife of Toth. The main harvest god, probably the most popular in the realm.


Dour, secretive god of stone and metal, one of the higher beings. Invoked with libations and blood offerings for blessings of wealth.


God of the sea and bringer of ocean storms, parent of the countless sea beasts who bear its name. One of the higher beings, fierce and destructive, placated by sailors with offerings before voyages.


God of beasts, one of the higher beings. Placated by herders with offerings from the flock; invoked by hunters and haruspices, who seek omens in the wounds of savaged prey animals. One of the gods most likely to have been absorbed from old raun religion, to the point that even most Halish priests will admit it.


Goddess of knowledge, one of the higher beings. Said to know everything that has ever happened, but content to observe the world rather than rule. Mostly invoked by scholars and sorcerers.

Scarlet Vash

Dual-aspected god, said to change freely between masculine and feminine. Sometimes said to be a higher being, other times a revered ancestor. Capricious god of sex and bloodshed, bringer of passion to mortals, whether lustful desire or murderous rage.

The Crow

Collector of the dead, who guides souls to their final destinations and conducts offerings by the living to their revered ancestors. One of the higher beings, said to appear in the shape of a legendary winged beast with black feathers.

Old Beleg

A revered ancestor who watches over travelers. He is said to have walked every path in every realm and been to the very edge of the world. His symbol is a knotted cord, representing the links between all places and the bonds between all people.

Fevered Lodra

A revered ancestor, said to be the first inheritor of medicine among the Halish and patron of all doctors. Invoked to banish impurity with fire, strong liquor, and the bark of the anath tree, which serves as her talisman.

Demara the Compassionate

A revered ancestor, a highborn lady who gave up everything to comfort and care for the outcast and the cursed. Patron of those unfortunate souls, and goddess of mercy and charity, which makes her an unsavory figure to the nobility.

Joda the Burnt

A revered ancestor, credited as the first inheritor of the smithing arts. She stole the secret of iron from Arai, and was punished with fire. Ever since, those who seek to master smithing must suffer the heat of the flames as recompense.

Starchaser Rendil

A revered ancestor, believed to have first inherited the art of shipbuilding. As a child, he fell in love with a star and sought to build a vessel to carry him to where the night sky met the distant water. None know whether he ever reached his distant love, for he never returned from his final voyage. Even now, he is invoked both by shipwrights and those who long to be with someone far away.

Aigon, the First Master

A revered ancestor, founder of the earliest traditions that would become the basis of the High Arts of war, and still honored as patron of them all. While Joda is usually invoked as the bringer of smithing to mortals, some credit Aigon with first obtaining the art of swordmaking, which he bargained for from a higher being whose name is now lost.

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