Saturday, February 4, 2023

Under Stone and Over Hill

I've been working on a new build of my hack, and now it's back to a point where I feel good about it. I'm not trying to do anything revolutionary; this is basically just my personal DM binder, presented in a hopefully somewhat readable form for my own reference and maybe yours.


I dunno, same as everybody else's, "do OSR exactly the way I like." I've come to accept that there is really only One OSR Game that everyone plays basically the same way for the same reasons, and all the little differences between OSR systems are just for our own idiosyncratic preferences, convenience, and the fun of hacking for hacking's sake. This is my B/X hack; there are many like it, but this one is mine.

Selling Points

  • Slim 6-page main rules (plus gear tables and spell lists in appendices)
  • Quick, decision-light character creation
  • Classless, organic advancement based on character actions rather than static levels
  • Simple, immersive damage and wound system that allows characters to grow tougher while still keeping high-level combat tense
  • Qualitative range and distance--no grid maps needed

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