Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Unusual Hoon

A legendary beast of the Tower Lands. It has the head and back legs of a vorn, the body of a horse, a long, serpentine neck, the forelegs of a zoat, and two tails with short, sleek fur all over. It can never be found by a person who has heard of it or seen it before, but only encountered accidentally by those who do not know what it is. This fact is not widely known; many hunters seek the Unusual Hoon eagerly, some throwing their whole lives away on the chase.

It's said that if you eat the flesh of the Unusual Hoon, your own flesh becomes halfway the stuff of legend. Any power or skill attributed to you in a story not of your own telling becomes yours in reality. However, there is a danger: if your legend is entirely forgotten, with no living soul remembering you, you will cease to exist.

The Unusual Hoon is a shy creature, usually fleeing when seen and only fighting when exhausted or cornered. It never truly dies. Even after being slain by one party, it may be encountered by others if they fulfil the conditions.

HD 5, speed 120', AC as leather, bite 1d8/kick 1d6, morale 4.

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The Unusual Hoon

A legendary beast of the Tower Lands. It has the head and back legs of a vorn, the body of a horse, a long, serpentine neck, the forelegs of...