Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Foes of the Tower Lands: Knights

Blood Knights

By the scarlet gift of their liege the Blessed Afflictor, they transcend death as he has, for what is dead may never die again. By their eternal oath, his strength is their strength, his thirst their thirst. May their blades turn the oceans red, that he might be sated evermore.

Strength d8 [Fighter 4], speed 40', heavy armor [plate], polearm, sword, or bite [as dagger], morale 6.
Undead: immune to hunger, thirst, fatigue, poison, disease. No penalties from wounds.
Feeding: bite and drain blood of a helpless creature for a full round to heal 1 wound.
Expert fighters and cavaliers. Ordinary horses panic in their presence; can only ride the specially bred night steeds of the Black City. Sunlight causes them agonizing burns, killing them in 1 minute. 4d6+60 Đ.

Chain Knights

Vassals of Ioanna of the Black Star, descendants of the barbarian mercenaries who long ago swore fealty to the House of Ivaluna. Through the Rite of the Chain, they bind warrior daemons to their flesh, and so does each embody the mastery of all their forebears.

Do not mistake their serenity for peaceful nature--they know all too well the seductive lure of battle, and how it must be honed as keenly and precisely as a sword's edge.

Strength d6 [Fighter 6], speed 30', medium armor [chain], longsword, morale 8.
War Demon Dance: enter stance to gain a bonus melee attack action each round, on the same initiative. After the first round, if continuing the War Demon Dance, check morale at the start of each round. On a failure, the extra attack is directed at them.
Master fighters, skilled cavaliers. 4d6+60 Đ.

Circle Knights

When Sariel broke the Iron Circle, its pieces scattered to the winds, company by company. She hoped it would be their end. But iron endures.

They hunt the raun and the curseborn, selling their blades where they must to sustain their campaigns. Grim, devout, shriven clean by hate, they will purge all that threatens humanity, and leave the land pure. So the gods will it.

Strength d6 [Fighter 3], speed 30', heavy armor [plate], polearm or sword, morale 9.
Expert fighters and cavaliers. 4d6+20 Đ.

Green Knights

Those who serve Sariel, the Lady of Teeth, are said to be more beast than human.

Strength d8 [Fighter 4], speed 40', AC 1 [as leather], claw or bite [as sword], morale 8.
Regenerate 1 wound per round.
Master hunters, expert fighters. Keen hearing and smell.

Storm Knights

No order in all the Tower Lands claims more glory than those who serve Magor Stormruler. Privileged beyond compare are those chosen to fight by his side--to ride the winds of the Stormwall, to trade flesh for steel and blood for lightning. By the gift of Interface, they cleanse body and soul of weakness, embracing the strength and certainty of the machine. Such is required of those who hold the line amid the wastes of Doros, shielding the Tower Lands from the barbarism of the Zoah.

Strength d8 [Fighter 6], speed 40', AC 2 [as chain], polearm or sword, morale 10.
Interface: immune to fatigue, poison, disease. No penalties from wounds.
Master aviators, expert fighters and cavaliers. 4d6+60 Đ.

Thorn Knights

None remember their origin; they claim to serve a liege they call "Our Lady of the Rose." Under grime, stains, and generations of patchwork repairs, their remaining pieces of original armor are gleaming silver worked in exquisite floral motifs. Their banners are crimson. In their camps and forts, they conduct themselves as models of chivalry and courtesy. It's said they cultivate flowers in the corpses of their slain enemies, from which they brew the potent drugs that turn them into the frenzied, bestial berserkers their living enemies fear.

Strength d6 [Fighter 3], speed 30', medium armor [chain], polearm or sword and shield, morale 8.
Expert fighters and cavaliers. 4d6+20 Đ, 1d3 doses of Lady's Kiss (ignore wound penalties, must attack someone in melee every round, lasts 1 hour, addictive).

Tomb Knights

They can no longer say whose tomb the coffins they bear represent. They know only that long ago, their forebears committed a failure so great, no living deed could atone for it. Now masterless, they seek honorable deaths, braving battle without even the protection of armor or shield. Their companies attract others who find the weight of their own failures too great to bear. Those who survive become truly formidable.

Strength d6 [Fighter 3], speed 30', unarmored, polearm or sword, morale 12.
Expert fighters.

Veil Knights

In the early days of the Interregnum, the hero Caim Paleblood left the ruins of the capital behind him and led his hundred and eleven companions to Saldis. There, he knelt before Raedric the Divine and pledged him fealty.

They number one hundred and twelve still, each passing the Noble Veil that is their order's strength through generations. They show their faces only to their own and to their liege, for no one else is fit to look upon those who serve the Divine.

Strength d6 [Fighter 4], speed 30', Noble Veil [plate +1], polearm or sword, morale 8.
Expert fighters and cavaliers. 4d6+60 Đ.


  1. These are great, they make good enemies but they are all tempting to play as.

    1. I'm not sure whether to take it as a compliment that I managed to make the blood-crazed vampire knights and the genocidal anti-alien-and-mutant racist knights sound like appealing PCs, haha.


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