Manuals allow characters who can read them to learn new skills and techniques. If a manual is present in a hoard, roll 1d100 on the MANUALS table.
Roll | Item | |
1-4 | Apothecary | I |
5-7 | II | |
8-9 | III | |
10-13 | Engineering | I |
14-16 | II | |
17-18 | III | |
19-22 | Fieldcraft | I |
23-25 | II | |
26-27 | III | |
28-31 | Locksmithing | I |
32-34 | II | |
35-36 | III | |
37-40 | Navigation | I |
41-43 | II | |
44-45 | III | |
46-49 | Physic | I |
50-52 | II | |
53-54 | III | |
55-56 | Language | Iolan |
57-58 | Kyrian | |
59-60 | Ancaric | |
61-62 | Tauruh | |
63 | Koha'u | |
64 | Tainish | |
65-69 | barbaric | |
70-74 | High Art | |
75-79 | Tuning | I |
80-82 | II | |
83-84 | III | |
85 | IV | |
86-90 | Daemonology | I |
91-94 | II | |
95-96 | III | |
97 | IV | |
98-99 | Ignifer Mixing | |
100 | Lightning Evasion |
Apothecary I: Contains instructions for working with chemicals and mixing various substances, including cosmetics, drugs, acids, and poisons. Allows a character unskilled in apothecary to become skilled with a month’s uninterrupted study or a season’s regular reading while adventuring.
Apothecary II: Contains instructions for working with chemicals and mixing various substances, including cosmetics, drugs, acids, and poisons. Allows a skilled apothecary to become an expert with a month’s uninterrupted study or a season’s regular reading while adventuring.
Apothecary III: Contains instructions for working with chemicals and mixing various substances, including cosmetics, drugs, acids, and poisons. Allows an expert apothecary to become a master with a season’s uninterrupted study or a year’s regular reading while adventuring.
Engineering I: Contains instructions for building, maintaining, and operating machines. Allows a character unskilled in engineering to become skilled with a month’s uninterrupted study or a season’s regular reading while adventuring.
Engineering II: Contains instructions for building, maintaining, and operating machines. Allows a skilled engineer to become an expert with a month’s uninterrupted study or a season’s regular reading while adventuring.
Engineering III: Contains instructions for building, maintaining, and operating machines. Allows an expert engineer to become a master with a season’s uninterrupted study or a year’s regular reading while adventuring.
Fieldcraft I: Contains information about edible plants and fungi, advice on hunting and finding shelter, and instructions for purifying food and water in the wilderness. Allows a character unskilled in fieldcraft to become skilled with a month’s uninterrupted study or a season’s regular reading while adventuring.
Fieldcraft II: Contains information about edible plants and fungi, advice on hunting and finding shelter, and instructions for purifying food and water in the wilderness. Allows a skilled survivalist to become an expert with a month’s uninterrupted study or a season’s regular reading while adventuring.
Fieldcraft III: Contains information about edible plants and fungi, advice on hunting and finding shelter, and instructions for purifying food and water in the wilderness. Allows an expert survivalist to become a master with a month’s uninterrupted study or a season’s regular reading while adventuring.
Locksmithing I: Contains instructions for crafting and opening various types of locks. Allows a character unskilled in locksmithing to become skilled with a month’s uninterrupted study or a season’s regular reading while adventuring.
Locksmithing II: Contains instructions for crafting and opening various types of locks. Allows a skilled locksmith to become an expert with a month’s uninterrupted study or a season’s regular reading while adventuring.
Locksmithing III: Contains instructions for crafting and opening various types of locks. Allows an expert locksmith to become a master with a month’s uninterrupted study or a season’s regular reading while adventuring.
Navigation I: Contains information about the movements of celestial bodies. Allows a character unskilled in navigation to become skilled with a month’s uninterrupted study or a season’s regular reading while adventuring.
Navigation II: Contains information about the movements of celestial bodies. Allows a skilled navigator to become an expert with a month’s uninterrupted study or a season’s regular reading while adventuring.
Navigation III: Contains information about the movements of celestial bodies. Allows an expert navigator to become a master with a month’s uninterrupted study or a season’s regular reading while adventuring.
Physic I: Contains information about human and raun anatomy and instructions for treating various injuries and ailments. Allows a character unskilled in physic to become skilled with a month’s uninterrupted study or a season’s regular reading while adventuring.
Physic II: Contains information about human and raun anatomy and instructions for treating various injuries and ailments. Allows a skilled physician to become an expert with a month’s uninterrupted study or a season’s regular reading while adventuring.
Physic III: Contains information about human and raun anatomy and instructions for treating various injuries and ailments. Allows an expert physician to become a master with a season’s uninterrupted study or a year’s regular reading while adventuring.
Language: A primer on a language. Allows a character to become half-fluent in that language with a month’s uninterrupted study or a season’s regular reading while adventuring. For dead languages, uninterrupted study takes a season and regular reading takes a year, and instruction is only for translating the language’s script into modern tongues.
High Art: Contains instructions for performing techniques of the High Arts of War. Allows a character to gain a Hit Die, up to a maximum of 4 Hit Dice, by studying it uninterrupted for a season or regularly for a year while adventuring. After absorbing the manual’s contents, the reader must undertake a perilous adventure described within it to solidify their understanding. If they fail or do not attempt the task promptly, they lose the Hit Die gained and can never learn this manual’s techniques.
Tuning: Contains instructions for casting spells, which a Tuner can learn by reading. The different tiers of Tuning manuals are classified by the number and power of the spells within, as shown.
- 1d4 spells of the 1st Circle.
- 1d6 spells of the 1st Circle, 1d4 spells of the 2nd Circle.
- 2d6 spells of the 1st Circle, 1d6 spells of the 2nd Circle, 1d4 spells of the 3rd Circle.
- 2d6 spells of the 1st Circle, 1d10 spells of the 2nd Circle, 1d6 spells of the 3rd Circle, 1d4 spells of the 4th Circle.
Daemonology: Contains descriptions and summoning names of daemons, which a Tuner can summon and bind using the appropriate spells. The different tiers of daemonology manuals are classified by the number and type of daemons they describe.
- 1d4 sprites.
- 1d6 sprites, 1d4 sandestins.
- 1d6 sprites, 1d6 sandestins, 1d4 espers.
- 1d8 sprites, 1d6 sandestins, 1d6 espers, 1d4 aeons.
Ignifer Mixing: Contains instructions for a skilled apothecary to make the potent chemical incendiary weapon known as ignifer. Combine one bottle of naphtha with resin, saltpeter, and powdered sparkskipper carapace (proscribed). Mix and distill using the process described within. Make a skill check with apothecary or similar. On a failure, the mixture explodes; save vs. flame. On a success, one bottle of ignifer is created. A thrown bottle of ignifer creates a pool of flame with a 5’ radius. All creatures caught in the initial spray or entering the pool must save vs. flame.
Lightning Evasion: Describes a technique for dodging lightning attacks. The name is technically a misnomer—lightning itself cannot be dodged by any known being. However, when Tuners conjure lightning, they do not merely unleash it to do as it wills, but rather channel it along invisible tethers of Dust that conduct it to the intended target. Through precise movement patterns, a warrior can sometimes throw off these tethers before they take hold, preventing the lightning that follows from finding its mark. A character who has studied this manual for a month uninterrupted or regularly for a season while adventuring suffers no damage on a successful save vs. lightning.
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